Opportunity Page

The opportunity page of each opportunity from My Proposals and Quotes provides useful information and a number of components for suppliers to interact with which are outlined below. 


1. Current Date/Time Stamp

The Current Date/Time is displayed for reference but will not automatically update if you wait on this page. If you stay on any opportunity page for more than 30 seconds, a red link will appear on the page allowing you to refresh the page and obtain the correct system time. 

You will not be able to change your response after the Closing Date/Time. 


2. Accept Button

If you have registered interest to the opportunity, the Accept button will automatically have been selected. 

If you have been invited to bid on an opportunity, you will need to accept the invitation before completing and submitting your responses. 


3. Documentation

Click the Documentation section to view and download all documents provided by the buying organisation related to this opportunity. The documents may be structured in folder shown in the image below. 

image-20240718-093611 (1).png

a) Shared documents will be displayed per folder and it is possible to expand or collapse the list of documents by clicking on the arrow displayed next to the folder name

b) New documents not yet downloaded by yourself will be marked as New

c) Click Download to download the document. Once downloaded, the system will mark the date/time and the name of the user that has downloaded the file. 


When a buyer replaces a document in the document archives, the original file will appear in the list under document name with 'ARCHIVED' appended and the new file will be available for download. 



4. Messages

Communication between the buying organisation and suppliers must take place via the messenger function. Clicking Messages will provide a list of all communications.


5. Requirement Sections

Each Requirement Section will contain several requirements. All Requirement Sections will be visible here and you will have to open each one of them to access the requirements within. See our article on Responding to an Opportunity for more information on completing requirement sections. 


6 & 7. Completion Progress

Every section will contain a number of required requirements and as you enter your responses, the column Required Questions Remaining will reflect the number of remaining required requirements due to complete. 


The completion status bars are determined by how many mandatory responses you have entered in a Requirement section and whether you have them marked as complete. 

  • If you have entered a response but not marked it as being Complete, the system treats that response as 50% complete
  • If you check the Complete box, it treats it as 100% complete. 

If you had entered all mandatory responses, but not marked any as complete, the bar would show as 50%. 

You do not need to have marked each Response as complete to submit your final responses. This option is provided as a helpful tool to monitor progress and allow the option to draft responses first and then confirm or approve later. 


8 & 9. Submit

When you click Submit the system will check that you have completed all the required Requirements, including Pass/Fail requirements. See Submitting a Response for more information. 

The responses will then be marked as Complete and display a submission confirmation message. Upon confirmation of submission, a notification of submission will be sent to the email address registered and a copy of it is available in the Message Centre as well. 


When you confirm the submission, the status of each Requirement Section will update accordingly. As the project progresses into other project stages, the submission status for each Requirement Section and Project Stage will update accordingly. 


10. Declining an Invitation

If you need to decline the invitation, you can do so by clicking on Decline. You will be given the option to write a message to the buying organisation. 


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