Responding to an Opportunity

In order to review and respond to the requirements of an opportunity, click on on of the Requirement Sections listed. The system will present you with a page containing the following components. 


image-20240718-094018 (1).png


1. Completion Status

The completion status bars are determined by how many mandatory responses you have entered in a Requirement section and whether you have them marked as complete. 

  • If you have entered a response but not marked it as being Complete, the system treats that response as 50% complete
  • If you check the Complete box, it treats it as 100% complete. 

If you had entered all mandatory responses, but not marked any as complete, the bar would show as 50%. 

You do not need to have marked each Response as complete to submit your final responses. This option is provided as a helpful tool to monitor progress and allow the option to draft responses first and then confirm or approve later. 


2. Working Offline

For each Requirement Section, you can use the Work Offline function. The system will provide a spreadsheet in which you will be able to enter your responses and upload them onto the portal. 

Follow the instructions provided on the Work Offline page, also provided in cell A1 of the downloaded spreadsheet. 



3 & 4. Navigation & Views

To return back to the opportunity page, click Back to Summary.

When the Requirement Section page is accessed, the default view of the requirement is set to Expanded View. This allows you to enter responses while on the page. 

If you click Compact View the system will trip the body of the requirements, as shown below, and you will need to click on each Requirement to enter your related responses. 



5. Editing Responses

While in expanded view, clicking edit responses will allow you to enter some responses directly while on the page depending on the requirement type.


a) For some response types, the system will allow you to edit directly while on the page such as selecting an option from the picklist dropdown. 

b) For other response types, you will need to click on Click to Edit in order to enter your response. 

c) To tick a response as complete, check this box. This is not required to submit final submission but can be helpful for managing responses as outlined above

d) Click Save Responses at the top of the page to save your entries while working on this page. 


6. Requirements List

All requirements within the selected section will be displayed here regardless of the view you have chosen. 


7. Response Summary & Response Pages

The response summary column will display your entered and saved responses. Some responses will require you to click the requirement or edit link in order to edit, which will direct you to a page where you can enter your responses. 

  • The response page will vary depending on the type of requirement 
  • Click the left or right arrows image-20240718-094850.png at the top of the page to move through the section. Your entries will be saved automatically when you move from one response to another. 
  • Alternatively, click Save before moving off the page. 

Do not use the Back button on your browser when interacting with response pages in order to avoid any issues with saving responses. 


When completing responses for a Rich Text Area, add images by clicking on the Image Icon in the formatting bar rather than pasting the image into the response area. 


8. Required / Optional

The buying organisation will request you to provide answers to required or optional requirements. The column Response Type on the requirements page will display whether the requirement is Required or Optional. 

You must provide answers for all required requirements in order to submit your responses. 

If any required requirements are missed when attempting to submit, the system will display a window outlining the incomplete requirements. 


9. Status Flags

The flags displayed denote the Status of the response according to the following criteria:

  • flag_green.gif  - Response is entered and the Completed? checkbox is checked. 
  • image-20231017-100915.png - Response is entered but the Completed? checkbox is not ticked. 
  • flag_red.gif - Response not entered. 

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