Message Centre

To view messages from and with the buying organisation, you can access them in one of two ways:

  • Click 'Message Centre' from the Home Page. This will display a list of all messages for all tenders. 
  • Locate the opportunity using My Proposals and Quotes, open the tender and click Messages. This displays communications for the tender you've opened only. 

You can write a response to any messages from the buying organisation by clicking on the message and clicking Reply. 

To raise a clarification question with a buying organisation, navigate to the opportunity the question relates to via My Proposals and Quotes and click on Messages then New Message

When you ask a question, it may take a few minutes before it appears in your messages list. 

If you attempt to send a message after the Clarification Question Deadline has passed, you will receive a warning message. The question will still reach the buying organisation, however a response may not be provided. 


You will receive an email immediately when an answer is provided to your question, or for any published answer. 

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