Expressing Interest in Opportunities

Expressing interest is a means of notifying the buying organisation of your interest in potentially responding to an opportunity and of obtaining further information related to that opportunity, such as documentation packs. 

If the buying organisation has invited you to tender, you do not need to complete this step. The details of the opportunity should already be visible to you via the My Proposals and Quotes link. 

From the Find Opportunities page, click on the title of an opportunity. If the tendering project is at the stage where it is open for suppliers to express interest, you will be able to click Register Interest


Any supporting documentation that has been shared by the buying organisation related to the tender can be accessed by toggling the View Documents/Hide Documents button. 

The Register Interest button will not appear if the window for registration has not yet opened or if it has closed. It will also not appear if the procedure the buying organisation is using does not permit supplier self-registration. 

If you are not already logged in, the system will prompt you to log in or register, after which your interest will be registered and you will be able to view the details of the opportunity under My Proposals and Quotes


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