Depending on the buying organisation's Supplier Portal configuration you may or may not be able to search for tender opportunities without logging in.
Search for Opportunities
If there is a link on the the landing page to view tender opportunities, you can search for tender opportunities without logging in.
If there is no link provided, you will need to register with the buying organisation and log in to the portal. After you have logged in, you will see a link to click that looks similar to the options below, called Find Opportunities.
If you do not see this link available from the home page, the buying organisation is not publicising its tender opportunities through this portal.
Enter one or more search keywords in the search box and click Search.
- This operates like a web search option and will look in all fields for the keywords entered, if you enter multiple words it will return records that contain either word.
Click on the title of an opportunity to view further details.
A maximum of 10 results are displayed on a page, click Next at the bottom of the page to view the next 10 results.
It is also possible to use the search function to search by reference number and not only by keyword. If the buying organisation has a supplier contract reference number, us this to search (eg., C-123456).
Download Opportunities
From the bottom of the Find Opportunities page, click Download CSV to generate a file containing all the data displayed in the search results.