This article provides an overview of accepting or declining opportunity invitations, submitting final responses, amending submitted responses and retractions.
Accept or Decline an Invitation
If a buying organisation has invited you to an opportunity, there will be an option to accept or decline the invitation on the opportunity page.
- Click Accept to accept the invitation. This is required before you can enter and submit your responses and the Submit button will not be visible until this step is completed.
- If you do not intend to respond to the opportunity, click Decline and provide a reason. This will be communicated to the buying organisation.
- The decision to decline can be reversed if required by clicking on the Accept button again.
- When clicking Accept you will be displayed a message that requests your confirmation before proceeding with acceptance.
Submit a Final Response
To submit your final response, locate the opportunity using My Proposals and Quotes and click Submit.
You will not be able to submit a final response if any mandatory requirements have not been answered. They do not require the Completed box to be checked however to submit, upon submission the system will mark them as Completed for you.
Clicking Submit will generate an email sent to the buying organisation that you have responded. Depending on the procedure being followed, the buying organisation may not be able to view your response until sometime after the Closing Date/Time for the opportunity.
You will not be able to submit your final response if the Closing Date/Time has passed. However, all responses you have entered prior to the deadline will still become visible to the buying organisation and may be considered for evaluation dependent on the type of procurement procedure the buying organisation is adhering to.
In exceptional circumstances, a buying organisation may grant a supplier a late submission. This must be agreed directly between the supplier and buying organisation.
Requirement Section Status Indicator
The status of each requirement section will update on an opportunity as per below:
- Not Yet Submitted - you are still within the Response Window of the opportunity and you are still able to submit your responses
- Submitted - you are still within the Response Window of the opportunity and you have successfully submitted your responses
- Did Not Submit - the Response Window for this opportunity is now closed and responses were not submitted.
- Evaluation Started - the Response Window for this opportunity is now closed and you have successfully submitted your responses. The buying organisation has started the evaluation of your responses.
Amending Submitted Responses
If you would like to amend your submitted responses, you are able to do so as long as the response window for the opportunity is still open. To do so, simply navigate to the relevant requirement and amend your response. The system will display a warning window indicating that you have edited an already submitted response and that saving changes will override your latest submitted response.
- If you click Yes, the modifications you have applied to your response will be saved and re-submitted
- If you click No, the modifications you have applied will not be saved and your latest submitted responses will remain unchanged.
Retracting a Submission
If you wish to retract a bid that has already been submitted, this is possible by clicking on the Retract button which appears next to the Submit button. This can only be done within the defined response window.
Suppliers will receive an email confirmation when they have successfully retracted their bid, ensuring a full audit is retained and keeping them informed about the status of their submission. The email will confirm the procurement reference number, the procurement title and a reminder of the submission deadline.
When retracting bids on lotted procurements, suppliers will be prompted to confirm which lots they would like to retract their submission for by selecting and deselecting the relevant lots.
On screen guidance is also provided on the Opportunity, in addition to the email confirmation, showing when a response has been submitted or retracted.